About Us
Hello and welcome to Five Zero Nine – we are a small Washington specialty winery making really nice wines from Walla Walla and the Columbia Valley.
We salute the great wine producing regions of the world. We celebrate the amazing grapes that grow in our corner of the Northwest. But we have no illusions of grandeur ourselves. We simply make limited quantities of delicious wine. We’ve studied the craft and learned a lot of lessons along the way. What we know is this: we love great tasting wines. And we know how to make them. Indulging in a great Cab or Merlot from time to time (and sometimes more often than that) allows us to relish in our passion for the good life.
Location, Location, Location
This is about Walla Walla Washington, a place so nice they named it twice. A place that doesn’t call much attention to itself, but lies waiting, wrapped in wheat fields, to be discovered and uncovered like the layers of a Walla Walla sweet onion…peeled with a good sharp knife, caramelized and draped over a rare steak. But let’s get back to what we are all about.
We are a location that just so happens to boast mineral rich land that produces some fantastic grapes. Five Zero Nine is about appreciation for the good things: a peerless wave, a fast car, a smart dog, the perfect grape harvest, the insanely good bottle of wine…72° and sunny.
A Sense of Place
Longitude and latitude means a lot when you are a winemaker. When you find the right climate for growing grapes, there’s no mistaking it. Some rare patches of earth were meant to be vineyards. Five Zero Nine hails from Walla Walla, the essence of a unique location - captured in liquid.
Lush Wine. Tasty wine. Wonderful wine. What more can we ask for? Wine that imparts a sense of place.
Our Name
Officially we are Five Zero Nine – a name we landed on after a few too many Bloody Marys in San Francisco trying to figure out what were going to call a great bottle of wine. It’s a bit of a long story… Suffice it to say – the name stuck and we liked it. It’s code for place – nothing more and nothing less.
We don’t even mind if you say it like a number “509” - or say the words “Five Zero Nine”. We won’t even correct you if you use the occasional “oh” as in “Five Oh Nine”. I guess you could say we’ll answer to anything that starts with, “pour me a glass of that amazing wine!”
First and foremost, we call ourselves winemakers by choice. We’re passionate about crafting local wines in small batches. And we know you are going to love them as much as we do.
So try us out and let us know what you think. Every spring, we throw a little wine release shindig. Why don’t you add your name to our list and consider yourself invited?
Thanks for stopping by. - Kevin